Yadava & ErraGolla
Swapna, Birth Yr 1993, Bsc,MB, Profile No 1084B
Swapna, Birth Yr 1993, Bsc,MB, Profile No 1084B Swapna pariki Father: Mother: d.o.b:12/06/1993 Education:b.sc(b.zc) Siblings:2 sisters( married),1 brother Raasi: meena Gothram:pidikilla Nakshatra:purvabhadra location:warangal
Srujana, Birth yr 1995, MBA HR, Income 30k, MB, Profile No 1122B
Srujana, Birth yr 1995, MBA HR, Income 30k, MB, Profile No 1122B Name : Srujana Eraboina Date of birth : 16th December 1995, morning 1…
Kalyani, Birth Yr 1998, Bsc,MB, Profile No 1086B
Kalyani, Birth Yr 1998, Bsc,MB, Profile No 1086B Name: Kalyani Kavati DOB: Sep-17-1998 Time: 6:20pm Height: 5.3 Birthplace: Kazipet Education: B.Sc, B.Ed Hometown: Uppugal, Jangoan…
Sunitha, Birth Yr1992, MBA, MB, Profile No 1046B
Sunitha, Birth Yr1992, MBA, MB, Profile No 1046B Caste-Yadav pakanati golla 2nd match(రెండవ సంబంధం🙏) Name:- Sunitha Surename:- Banka DOB:- 21-09-1992 Height:- 5:6, fair White Edu:-…
Sharanya, Birth Yr1994, B.com, MB, Profile No 1044B
Sharanya, Birth Yr1994, B.com, MB, Profile No 1044B Caste:Erra Golla S.Sharanya 11-10-1994 Time: 10:30PM Study: Degree(B.com) H:5’2″ Clr:Fair
Srujana, Birth Yr 1995,MBA, Income 1L, MB, 1042B
Srujana, Birth Yr 1995,MBA, Income 1L, MB, 1042B Name : Srujana Eraboina Date of birth : 16th December 1995, morning 1 am. Education: MBA HR…
Sumatha, Birth Yr1992, Mca, MB, Profile No 1027B
Sumatha, Birth Yr1992, Mca, MB, Profile No 1027B
Nandini priya, Birth Yr 1998, Bsc, Income 15k, MB,Profile No 1017B
Nandini priya, Birth Yr 1998, Bsc, Income 15k, MB,Profile No 1017B Name: Vuribindi nandinipriya Dob: 19-11-1998 Place of birth:mahabubabad Height:5’1 Raasi: scorpio Nakshatram: Education:B sc(agriculture)…
Divya, Birth Yr 1995, Btech, Income 10-15Lpa,MB, Profile No 1015B
Divya, Birth Yr 1995, Btech, Income 10-15Lpa,MB, Profile No 1015B
Vinay kumar, Birth Yr 1994, Btech EEE, Income 20L, MB, Profile No 896G
Vinay kumar, Birth Yr 1994, Btech EEE, Income 20L, MB, Profile No 896G. Occupation: Government Employee Date of Birth : 08 October 1994 Time of…
Sai kiran, Birth Yr 1994, Master’s in computer science – University of Cent,ral Missouri,USA, Income 15L, MB, Profile No 889G
Sai kiran, Birth Yr 1994, Master’s in computer science – University of Cent,ral Missouri,USA, Income 15L, MB, Profile No 889G Sai Kiran Dornala •…
Dr. Venkatesh, Birth Yr 1985, MBBS MD, Income 2L, MB, Profile No 888G
Dr. Venkatesh, Birth Yr 1985, MBBS MD, Income 2L, MB, Profile No 888G MBBS, MD (Pathology) Assistant professor Chalmeda Anand Rao institute of medical, Karimnagar.…
Srujana, Birth Yr 1995, B.Tech, Profile No 885B
Srujana, Birth Yr 1995, B.Tech, Profile No 886B Name:Srujana D/O:venkaiah Height: 5’3 Siblings: 1elder brother& 1 younger brother. DOB:17-11-1995 Education:Btech- ECE Father Singareni employee
Lavanya, Birth Yr 1995, Gnm Nursing, Income 50k, MB, Profile No 884B
Lavanya, Birth Yr 1995, Gnm Nursing, Income 50k, MB, Profile No 884B Name:katherla Lavanya D/o:Katherla srinivas DOB:06/05/1995 Qualification:degree and gnm nursing Height:5 Gothram:kusala Caste:Yadav (Karna…