Munnurkapu Bride
Shilpa, Birth Yr 1988, Income 20K, Profile No 627B
627B Wido, 2ND, 1 Son, 36Yrs, Wgl, Munnurkapu, MB Marital status. Widowed , 2nd marriage Children. 1 son Name. Shilpa Age. 36 years Height 5…
Sneha , profile No.615B, Birth Yr.1997, US, Income.80K
Name-Sneha DOB-26/08/1997 Height-5’2 Native : Nizamabad VISA-Temporary resident (2027) working as HS&contract engineer Income-$80K P/A Education-Civil Engineering University-La Trobe university(Melbourne, Australia) Bachelor degree- civil engineering…
Leelawathi, Birth Yr 995, Profile No 669 MB27
Lee649B Munnurkapu Leelawathi 1995 Caste Munnurkapu Hindu Gotram Pasunuti Name: Leelawathi. DOB: 6-09-1995. Height : 5’4″ Place of Birth:peddapalli Day of Birth: Wednesday Time:7 pm…
Bindu, Birth Yr 1992, B.Tech,income 22L, MB, Profile No 1058B
Bindu, Birth Yr 1992, B.Tech,income 22L, MB, Profile No 1058B
Leelawathi, Birth Yr 995, Profile No 669 MB27
Lee649B Munnurkapu Leelawathi 1995 Caste Munnurkapu Hindu Gotram Pasunuti Name: Leelawathi. DOB: 6-09-1995. Height : 5’4″ Place of Birth:peddapalli Day of Birth: Wednesday Time:7 pm…
Sravani, Birth Yr 1996, Income 4.5L, Msc, MK, MB, Profile No 837B
Sravani, Birth Yr 1996, Income 4.5L, Msc, MK, MB, Profile No 837B
Akshitha, Birth Yr 1996, B.Tech, MB, Profile No 849B
Akshitha, Birth Yr 1996, B.Tech, MB, Profile No 849B Name: Kamutam Akshitha Caste : Munnurukapu DOB: 22-02-1996 Time: 6:55PM Nakshatram: Revathi 4th paadam Raashi: Meena(Pisces)…
Sharath chandrika,Birth Yr1997, Btech,MBA,MB, Profile No 1068B
Sharath chandrika,Birth Yr1997, Btech,MBA,MB, Profile No 1068
Swetha, Birth Yr 1992, Income 10L, MB, 2nd Mrg, Profile No 850B
Swetha, Birth Yr 1992, Income 10L, MB, 2nd Mrg, Profile No 850B 2nd Match 💐 Name : K. Shwetha Study : B. Tech ( EEE…
Divya, Birth Yr 1998, MB, Profile No 874B
Divya, Birth Yr 1998, MB, Profile No 874B BIODATA Name: Divya Surname: Konda Date of Birth: 23-11-1998 Place of Birth: PARAKAL Time of Birth: 6:49…
Sneha, Birth Yr 1998, Masters in Business Analytics (USA), ,MB, Profile No 881B
Sneha, Birth Yr 1998, Masters in Business Analytics (USA), ,MB, Profile No 881B Annam Sneha D/0 Venkateswarlu Date of birth: 15/03/1998 Birth time : 5:30…
Sneha , profile No.615B, Birth Yr.1997, US, Income.80K
Name-Sneha DOB-26/08/1997 Height-5’2 Native : Nizamabad VISA-Temporary resident (2027) working as HS&contract engineer Income-$80K P/A Education-Civil Engineering University-La Trobe university(Melbourne, Australia) Bachelor degree- civil engineering…
Shweta, Birth Yr 1992, Income 10LPA, Software Eng, 2nd, Profile No 821B
Cast : Munurukapu 2nd Match 💐 Name : K. Shwetha Study : B. Tech ( EEE ) Date Of Birth : 31-12-1992 Height :…
Abhinaya,Birth Yr 2000, Btech.ece., Present studying MS in US,MB, Profile No 1082B
Abhinaya,Birth Yr 2000, Btech.ece., Present studying MS in US,MB, Profile No 1082B Name: B.Abhisasya Qualification: Btech.ece.(kits.warangal) previous software engineer in Accenture,hyd, Present studying MS in…
Supriya, Birth Yr 1997, Batchelor of Pharmacy, Income 10L, MB, Profile No 883B
Supriya, Birth Yr 1997, Batchelor of Pharmacy, Income 10L, MB, Profile No 883B
Rudrakshi, Birth Yr 1998, MSc, MB, Profile No 1079B
Rudrakshi, Birth Yr 1998, MSc, MB, Profile No 1079B
Naveena, Birth Yr 1994, Income 8L, MBA, Any BC or OC ok, Profile No 825B
Cast : MUNNURKAPU. ( Aboard matches kavali) Any BC or OC ok 💐Name: L. Naveena 💐D.O.B:21-01-1994 💐Time:7:30pm 💐Star: Kruthika 💐Height:5.5 💐Qualification:MBA 💐Job:Hr recruiter (Innova solutions…